Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Spring Haircuts!

I am tired of thinking and talking and writing about autism, autism, autism (back to that tomorrow).

So here's something light and frothy for Wordless Wednesday this week: the boys' spring haircuts.

Out with Winter's (adorably) shaggy! In with Spring's cool and sleek!

Ethan before: Shaggy cute
Ethan during: Clearly a very serious business
Ethan after: Very handsome (but limited patience for the paparazzi)
Jake before: She'd fluffed his hair! It wasn't this bad, really!
Jake during: Having a great time
Jake after: Playing in the mirror, enjoying that short hair feeling

Spring Haircuts! Yay!

I’m linking up to Wordless / Wordful Wednesdays all OVER the place... at Angry Julie Monday... at 5 Minutes for Mom... at live and love...out loud... at Dagmar*s momsense... at Parenting by Dummies     

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