Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Family! Cousins! Passover!

On Sunday last, we gathered at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Port Washington: my two cousins' families and my own. The house is at the end of a dead end block, surrounded by the fields and playgrounds that we had roamed during our own childhoods.

Mom & her "little brother" Walter
After THREE nights of seders (don't ask, my family had to do theirs one night early due to scheduling issues and my husband's family does TWO) I am worn out, a limp noodle, and still with a week of spring "break" ahead of us.

All plans petered out, so we're making it up one day at a time as we go along. If I survive this week, it will be a miracle. (Have I mentioned that the combo of school breaks and autism sucks?) Wish me luck!

I’m linking up to Wordless Wednesday at Angry Julie Monday.

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