Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hopeful Parents Day Again

Well, today is the 10th of the month, so I'm over at HP as usual. Today's post, however, is a rerun.

Jake was home sick today. Nothing major - just a sore throat and slight fever - but he was clearly feeling too punk to be put on the bus this morning, was low energy and very needy all day.  And this, my first day with Dan back home after nearly a week in Seattle, me holding down the fort on my own, I wasn't expecting to spend, essentially, as a human pillow.

So my plans to write a brand spanking new HP post during the day? Out the window.  Not wanting to miss my HP day, I am bringing a special post from December over there.

So if you haven't read it before, or if you want to see it again, come on over to Hopeful Parents and read my post: Progress, Step by Step

See you back here tomorrow!

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