Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm a (Guest) Star

If yesterday I sent you all over the web to read other people's words? Well, today I'm sending you elsewhere to read some of MINE.

That's right, the lovely Alison of Mama Wants This! has invited me to be this week's Guest Star interviewee.  She asked, I answered.

So if you want to hear me out on such burning issues as what I love most about being a mom, my favorite time of day, and the color of my underwear (no, she didn't ask that last one, but I'll tell you anyway, as a bonus - purple of course. You're welcome.) head over to Alison's joint today. Clink on the Guest Star logo above, or this link here: 

Guest Star: Varda of The Squashed Bologna

And then, once you're over there, have a look around and see what Alison has been up to.  Read some other Guest Star posts (I'm in great company). Find out more about Alison's life, over on the other side of the world.

Oh, did I forget to mention that part? One of the loveliest aspects of this whole blogging community thing - I can have a friend like Alison in Malaysia and we can share our lives like we meet for coffee at the local bagelry after school drop off.

So come join me for morning coffee and mom-chat with Alison. Although remember, with the 13 hour time difference, for her, it's a nightcap.

And, Alison? I'm so glad you asked me, I really enjoyed answering your thoughtful questions. Thanks for making me feel like a star.

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